About Us
Galaxy Safety & Security Co. now constitutes a full service independent specialist Fire and Security services solution providers committed to meeting the needs of its customers for protection from fire and to keep them safe.
Galaxy Safety & Security Co. now constitutes a full service independent specialist Fire and Security services solution providers committed to meeting the needs of its customers for protection from fire and to keep them safe.
We provide fire and security risk assessment, as well as Health & Safety training and training on the use of first responder firefighting equipment.
Integrity at work is about more than honesty and respect. Our organisation has a true culture of integrity, that means employees take their commitments seriously and coordinate with each other very well. As a result we deliver our best work to each customer.
What we do can affect people’s lives. It is important therefore that our customers can rely on us that we will do things right - we mean what we say and we do what we say.
We are constantly looking out for the best products available in terms of performance, reliability and value for the customer.